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July 27, 2024


Shattered Wind Turbine Sign of Trouble Ahead for Green New Deal Dems

When an offshore wind turbine shattered 15 miles southwest of Nantucket earlier this month, it sent thousands of shards of…

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Shattered Wind Turbine Sign of Trouble Ahead for Green New Deal Dems

When an offshore wind turbine shattered 15 miles southwest of Nantucket earlier this month, it sent thousands of shards of…
by Evan Lips | July 24, 2024 Read More

Boston Globe Attack on Sununu Energy Stats Fails Basic Math

When Gov. Chris Sununu was first sworn in as governor in January 2017, New Hampshire residents were paying 18.42 cents…
by Evan Lips | June 07, 2024 Read More

SHARPE: Four Reasons Vermont’s New Climate Change Law Is Ridiculous

Vermont just passed a law intended to charge oil and gas companies for the damages caused by climate change. Albeit…
by George Sharpe | June 05, 2024 Read More

VOSE: New Hampshire Does Energy Policy Right

Everyone knows that electricity costs have gone up over the past five years. But not everyone knows why, or what…
by Michael Vose | May 23, 2024 Read More

LOMBORG: The True Cost of Wind and Solar Energy

Imagine if a solar-driven car was launched tomorrow, cheaper to run than a gas vehicle. It would be incredibly alluring…
by Bjorn Lomborg | May 20, 2024 Read More


Sununu, GOP Governors Call on Biden to End LNG ‘Pause’

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu joined 24 of his fellow state chief executives writing President Joe Biden urging him to…
by Taylor Millard | April 25, 2024 Read More

BIRDSELL/INNIS: D.C. Energy Edicts Mean Higher Costs for NH Homebuyers

If I told you that a group of progressive Washington politicians, entrenched bureaucrats, an international NGO, and a collection of…
by Regina Birdsell | April 08, 2024 Read More

Green Energy Agenda Puts NH Grid At Risk

In New Hampshire, green activists like Tom Irwin at the Conservation Law Foundation are celebrating the announcement that Merrimack Station,…
by Michael Graham | April 01, 2024 Read More

Biden’s Emissions Rule a ‘De Facto Ban’ on Gas-Powered Cars, Critics Say

Automobile dealers want the Biden administration to quit trying to force them to vroom vroom down electric avenue. These dealerships…
by Jessica R. Towhey | March 31, 2024 Read More

BEMIS: New 2021 Energy Codes Will Drive Down Costs For Your New Home

It is not a surprise that the New Hampshire Home Builders Association is not interested in lowering the cost of…
by Paul Bemis | March 17, 2024 Read More

VOSE: Protecting the Grid

When Thomas Edison flipped the switch to turn on the world’s first electricity generation station on Pearl Street in Lower Manhattan…
by Michael Vose | March 12, 2024 Read More


NH, EU Rely on US Natural Gas, but NHDems Back Biden LNG ‘Pause’

President Joe Biden’s order of a “temporary pause on pending decisions of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports” has inspired a…
by Taylor Millard | February 19, 2024 Read More

Biden Spent Billions for EV Charging Stations, Built Just One (And It’s Not in NH)

On Monday, January 8 U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm will meet the state's entire Democrat federal delegation in Nasha…
by Taylor Millard | January 07, 2024 Read More

Biden’s Latest Energy Move Means Higher Prices for New England, Experts Say

The American Petroleum Institute (API) has issued a report harshly criticizing the Biden administration for its decision to revoke oil…
by Ray Bolger | November 12, 2023 Read More

The Burgess Backfire

(This article originally appeared at   In its annual report to the Public Utilities Commission last year, Burgess Biopower outlined its…
by Andrew Cline | October 29, 2023 Read More

State House GOP Leaders Urge Members To Uphold Sununu’s Biomass Subsidies Veto

Thursday is “Veto Day” at the State House in Concord, and the Republican leadership is urging members to uphold all…
by Michael Graham | October 25, 2023 Read More

NHDems Tout Fed Energy Grants, Oppose Domestic Production

“Shaheen, Hassan, Kuster and Pappas Announce $900,000 in Energy Efficiency Funds That Will Lower Heating Bills in New Hampshire.” That…
by Mitchell Scacchi | October 18, 2023 Read More


Pappas, Kuster Back Ban on Gas-Powered Cars

When it comes to the green energy mandates supported by U.S. Reps. Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas, it’s a case…
by Mitchell Scacchi | September 18, 2023 Read More

Biden’s Subsidies for Union Labor at Odds With Green Agenda, Experts Say

President Biden told an audience of unionized workers in Philadelphia last month that his drive for green energy means jobs…
by Taylor Millard | August 30, 2023 Read More

Mayor Craig Backs $200M Biomass ‘Boondoggle’ Vetoed by Sununu

Democratic Mayor Joyce Craig called out Gov. Chris Sununu for ending the $200 million in ratepayer subsidies for the Burgess…
by Michael Graham | August 21, 2023 Read More

NOLAN: The Nation’s Power Supply Hangs in the Balance

Across the country, U.S. power supplies have been pushed to the limit this summer. New electricity demand records are set…
by Rich Nolan | August 14, 2023 Read More

EPA Destabilizes Grid While Demand Grows

The Biden administration opened up a new front in the oil and gas wars earlier this month by advancing a…
by Jessica R. Towhey | July 17, 2023 Read More

Granite Staters Make Top Ten List for Highest Energy Costs

A new analysis of energy costs paid by Granite Staters puts New Hampshire at number nine in the nation for…
by Michael Graham | July 05, 2023 Read More


HARRINGTON: Ending Burgess Biomass Subsidies a Big Win for Ratepayers

Defenders of continued taxpayers subsidies for the Burgess Bio Mass Generating Plant continue to play fast-and-loose with the numbers, and…
by Michael Harrington | June 27, 2023 Read More

CLINE: Biomass Boondoggle $150M in Subsidies, Very Few Actual Jobs

  This article first appeared at   How would you feel about being taxed to support a failing business…
by Michael Graham | June 25, 2023 Read More

RUCKER: EPA’s Shameless Use of Children to Push Climate Agenda

The latest “Nation’s Report Card” found that barely one-fourth of American public school eighth-graders were proficient in math in 2021,…
by Craig Rucker | June 07, 2023 Read More

WILLIAMS: The Sun Is Setting on Costly Net Metering Policies

Solar net metering, a system that forces utilities to pay more for rooftop solar energy (the “retail” rate of electricity)…
by David Williams | May 22, 2023 Read More

Biden’s New Carbon Rules: ‘Massive Unemployment, General Misery,’ Experts Say

Cheap energy drives the modern economy. Expensive energy could destroy it. That is the concern of energy-sector experts in the…
by Daniel Payne | April 27, 2023 Read More

Will OPEC Production Cuts Drive Up Fuel Costs in New England?

When the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) announced last week its members would be cutting oil production by…
by Daniel Payne | April 10, 2023 Read More


Eversource Partnering on First of Its Kind Wind Farm Ship

A new ship that will function as an at-sea headquarters for the workers maintaining some 200 wind turbines off the…
by Damien Fisher | April 06, 2023 Read More

KING: If We Keep Electrifying, We Will Run Out of Power

If you punch in “outage map” in a search engine, you will get a series of maps, ranging from the…
by Llewellyn King | March 06, 2023 Read More

Days After Denials, MA Dems Propose Gas Stove Ban

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean the government isn't coming for your appliances. "People can rest assured that no one…
by Michael Graham | January 31, 2023 Read More

NH Dems Want State, Not Ratepayers, to Collect $40M Energy Bill Rebates

State Rep. Rebecca McWilliams (D-Concord) says the $40 million in rebates New Hampshire ratepayers are currently receiving on their electric…
by Michael Graham | January 25, 2023 Read More

Trucking Industry Warns Biden EPA Emission Regs Could Drive Up Costs

Members of America's trucking industry say stringent new federal regulations on emissions are largely unnecessary and could impact the nation's…
by Chris Woodward | January 16, 2023 Read More

Feds Say They Have No Plans to Ban Sale of Gas Stoves — Yet.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) chair has a message for America: No, we are not coming for your gas…
by Chris Woodward | January 11, 2023 Read More


ALPERT: For Electric Cars, Follow the Money

The Inflation Reduction Act allocates $340 billion in a complicated scheme of tax credits and rebates for electric vehicles (EVs).…
by William T. Alpert | December 19, 2022 Read More

KANDRACH: We Are Creating Our Own Electricity Crisis

There’s growing alarm that the top-down push for America to transition to renewable energy is surgically dismantling our existing electrical…
by Matthew Kandrach | December 14, 2022 Read More

HARRINGTON: NH Delegation’s ‘Fantasyland’ Energy Policy

If our New Hampshire delegation were serious about protecting Granite Staters from high energy costs, they wouldn't just write letters…
by Michael Harrington | December 06, 2022 Read More

NORTON: The Jones Act Is a Useful Scapegoat for Poor New England Energy Decisions

New England governors are clamoring for Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to support waivers to the Jones Act, a law requiring…
by Samuel H. Norton | November 29, 2022 Read More

ANALYSIS: Biden’s ‘Climate Reparations’ Plan Unlikely to Play Well in NH

Voters' historic beatdown of the GOP in November's midterms has emboldened the Biden White House to embrace more policies pushed…
by Michael Graham | November 27, 2022 Read More

NH Delegation Again Pleads for DC Help as Energy Shortages Loom

Winning re-election in a midterm election with an unpopular president in the White House turned out to be relatively easy…
by Michael Graham | November 16, 2022 Read More


LOMBORG: Hypocrisy Abounds at Climate Summit

Every year, global climate summits feature a parade of hypocrisy as the world’s elite arrive on private jets to lecture…
by Bjorn Lomborg | November 13, 2022 Read More

New Hampshire Faces Possible Diesel Shortage as December Approaches

President Biden and his New Hampshire Democratic allies may have dodged a political bullet on Tuesday, but they didn't escape…
by Chris Woodward | November 10, 2022 Read More

How a Federal Agency Put New Englanders in Danger to Protect an Industry From Competition

During the frigid winter of 2017-18, New England came within two days of rolling blackouts. Natural gas supplies were so…
by Andrew Cline | November 09, 2022 Read More

New England Enters Winter ‘Basically Crossing our Fingers and Hoping’ for no Blackouts

This article first appeared at the Josiah Bartlett Center's website.   The warning from New England’s electric grid operator, ISO…
by Andrew Cline | October 20, 2022 Read More

VOSE: The Truth About NH’s High Energy Costs

Defying reality, New Hampshire Democrats are trying to divert the blame for escalating energy costs away from the true guilty…
by Michael Vose | October 10, 2022 Read More

OPEC’s Production Cuts Embarrass Biden

President Joe Biden went to Saudi Arabia earlier this year to bump fists and ask the oil-rich nation to increase…
by Chris Woodward | October 06, 2022 Read More


NH Dems Say $369B in New Climate Spending Will Lower Costs. Are They Right?

While Senate Democrats named it the "Inflation Reduction Act," most of the approximately $500 billion in new spending would go…
by Chris Woodward | August 11, 2022 Read More

Despite Biden Push for Green Transportation, U.S. Trucking Still Drives on Diesel

“Getting to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 means we must aggressively cut down the largest source of emissions: the transportation…
by Chris Woodward | July 17, 2022 Read More

U.S. Energy Producers to Biden: Skip the Saudis, Come Meet With Us!

On the eve of President Joe Biden meeting with leaders of Saudi Arabia -- and reportedly urging more oil production…
by Chris Woodward | July 14, 2022 Read More

NH Dems Silent as Biden Admin Ships Oil From U.S. Emergency Reserves to China, EU

U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan and her fellow New Hampshire Democrats refused to comment Wednesday on new reports the Biden administration…
by Michael Graham | July 06, 2022 Read More

VOSE: A Slap in the Face to N.H. Ratepayers

New Hampshire consumers depressed about high gasoline prices will soon get an unwelcome slap in the face. Electricity prices will…
by Michael Vose | June 30, 2022 Read More

Green Energy Proposals Wouldn’t Lower NH Utility Bills

High energy prices are a major concern of voters so, naturally, the political party that controls Congress and the White…
by Andrew Cline | June 21, 2022 Read More


Tom Sherman Unplugged: Attack on Sununu Over Electric Rates Gets Facts Wrong

News of a massive rate hike for Granite State electric customers sparked an immediate reaction from state Sen. Tom Sherman's…
by Michael Graham | June 16, 2022 Read More

LOMBORG: The Fuzzy Math Behind U.N. Report on Global Disasters

A new U.N. report has revealed the disturbing news that the number of global disasters has quintupled since 1970 and will increase…
by Bjorn Lomborg | May 12, 2022 Read More

Biden’s New Energy Regs Will Cost NH Ratepayers

The White House's latest policy pronouncement has American energy producers struggling with the question, "What does Joe want?" After weeks…
by Chris Woodward | May 04, 2022 Read More

Obsession With Climate Change Distorts our Priorities

Over the past decade, the global elite’s obsession with climate change has taken away from the many other major problems…
by Bjorn Lomborg | April 10, 2022 Read More

Wind Power Company Sentences for Killing Endangered Eagles — Without a Permit

After decades under threat from pollution, poachers, and poisons, America’s bald eagle population has recovered, thanks in part to aggressive…
by Chris Woodward | April 10, 2022 Read More

Biden’s EV Push May Hit Mining Regs Pothole

If you believe EVs are America's transportation future, then all roads lead to... Maine? The White House announced last week…
by Andrew Cline | April 05, 2022 Read More


NH GOP Senate Hits the Pedal on Gas Tax Holiday Proposal

After weeks of debate over the economics and ideology of a gas tax holiday in response to rising inflation, New…
by Michael Graham | March 31, 2022 Read More

PROUT: Hassan Kicked the Can Down the Road. We Should Pick It Up, Not Kick It Further

With all the talk of gas-tax holidays lately, New Hampshire would be well served to remember recent history. Just eight…
by Andrew Prout | March 30, 2022 Read More

GROSSMAN: When Gasoline Prices Rise, Politicians Get Predictable

What is it about oil price spikes that befuddle politicians? This is especially true of Democrats, but Republicans, too, have…
by Peter Z. Grossman | March 27, 2022 Read More

LIEBERMAN: Who NOT to Blame for High Gas Prices

Whenever the price at the pump increases, so does the finger-pointing, but much of the blame game over high gasoline…
by Ben Lieberman | March 24, 2022 Read More

As Gas Prices Rise, Dems Still Spreading Discredited ‘Blame Big Oil’ Meme

On Wednesday, Sen. Maggie Hassan tweeted out a warning to U.S. oil companies. "Oil prices have dropped nearly 30% in…
by Chris Woodward | March 17, 2022 Read More

Days After Sierra Club Endorsement, Hassan Brags: ‘I’m Pushing Big Oil to Increase Production’

Tough talk about "Big Oil" is nothing new from liberal Democrats like Sen. Maggie Hassan. After all, she has called…
by Michael Graham | March 07, 2022 Read More


Hassan: Putin Is a ‘War Criminal,’ But the U.S. Should Keep Buying His Oil

A simple tweet turned into a complex issue for Sen. Maggie Hassan on Thursday, highlighting the difficult spot Democrats find…
by Michael Graham | March 03, 2022 Read More

Ukraine Invasion Shines Harsh Light on NHDems’ Energy Policies

For years, U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan has been happy to toe the Democratic Party's line on energy policy: Higher taxes…
by Michael Graham | February 23, 2022 Read More

Dems, Economists Deride Hassan’s Gas Tax ‘Gimmick’

U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan's push for a temporary federal gas tax holiday is being met with mockery from Democratic economists…
by Michael Graham | February 15, 2022 Read More

GOP Targets Pappas Over Home Heating Costs in New Ads

The National Republican Congressional Committee is targeting vulnerable Democrat Rep. Chris Pappas over the issue of energy and home heating…
by Michael Graham | January 25, 2022 Read More

BEAULIEU: Why Coal Must Go

The Merrimack Generating Station in Bow, N, H. is the last coal-fired power plant in New England, and it is…
by Rebecca Beaulieu | January 23, 2022 Read More

Fugitive Methane Emissions: Deployed Technologies vs. New Taxes

Last fall, Congress began weighing a methane fee as a component of their “Build Back Better” spending bill. That legislation…
by Tom Murphy | January 14, 2022 Read More


LOMBORG: 50 Years of Misguided Climate Panic

The recent UN climate summit in Glasgow was predictably branded as our “last chance” to tackle the “climate catastrophe” and…
by Bjorn Lomborg | January 12, 2022 Read More

Plunging Temps Remind NH of Cold, Hard Truth: Grid Still Relies on Coal, Oil

Energy sector officials have been warning for years about the risks posed to New England's grid by plunging temperatures, risks…
by Chris Woodward | January 11, 2022 Read More

VOSE: The Real Energy Efficiency Problem

Granite State utility ratepayers owe the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission a big high five. It said “No” in November…
by Michael Vose | January 02, 2022 Read More

CLINE: When It Comes To Preparing for Winter, Squirrels Think We’re Idiots

Squirrels don’t understand Thanksgiving.  They see us loading our homes full of food for days, and they feel a sense…
by Andrew Cline | December 15, 2021 Read More

Energy Pros Mock Liz Warren’s Complaints: ‘It’s Econ 101, Not Rocket Science’

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's latest attempt to "turn up the heat" on the energy sector sparked a backlash from industry leaders…
by Chris Woodward | December 08, 2021 Read More

Pipeline Policies, Green Politics Could Mean ‘Controlled Power Outages’ in New England

New England’s power grid won’t be able to sustain itself through a prolonged cold snap this winter, as fuel for…
by Damien Fisher | December 06, 2021 Read More


Will Maine’s Anti-Mining Laws Keep Green-Tech Minerals Underground?

The Biden administration is waking up to the soaring demand for minerals and metals driven by Western nations transitioning to…
by Andrew Cline | November 28, 2021 Read More

Energy Experts Dismiss Biden’s FTC ‘Deflection’ on High Gas Prices

President Joe Biden is blaming Big Oil for today’s rising gas prices, causing one senator to say it is a…
by Chris Woodward | November 18, 2021 Read More

Infrastructure Bill Spends $17M to Charge EVs in NH That Nobody Drives

President Joe Biden came to New Hampshire Tuesday to hit the "local money" message hard: The infrastructure bill means big…
by Michael Graham | November 17, 2021 Read More

Biden’s ‘Old School’ Politics: Blame Big Oil for Gas Price Surge

Given that Joe Biden turns 79 on Saturday, perhaps it’s no surprise he went “old school” attempting to deflect the…
by Andrew Cline | November 17, 2021 Read More

NH Pols Oppose Energy Production, Ask Biden Admin for Price Relief

A group of New England senators is asking the Biden administration for relief from the soaring energy costs, even as…
by Chris Woodward | November 03, 2021 Read More

WEINSTEIN: Competition in Electricity Has Been Good for Consumers and Good for the Environment

Electricity used to be boring.  Public utilities that provided power to homes and businesses were regulated monopolies and, by law,…
by NHJOpinion | October 24, 2021 Read More


Will Energy Policy Politics (Finally) Heat Up in New Hampshire?

The U.S. government just told American households should expect to see their heating bills jump as much as 54 percent…
by Michael Graham | October 16, 2021 Read More

KING: Shutting Out Natural Gas Can Destabilize the Electric Grid

It has been an annus horribilis for the nation’s electric utility companies. Deadly storms and wildfires have left hundreds of…
by Llewellyn King | October 10, 2021 Read More

NOLAN: Don’t Sabotage Energy Reliability and Affordability

The energy transition is happening. But how it proceeds, at what speed, and with what guard rails remains to be…
by Rich Nolan | October 03, 2021 Read More

Eco-Activist Promotes ‘Sabotage’ on Energy Projects, Gets Warm Media Welcome

Andreas Malm, author of the book "How To Blow Up a Pipeline," is urging his fellow environmentalists to abandon their…
by Chris Woodward | September 28, 2021 Read More

Kuster Backs ‘Tesla’ Tax Breaks for Rich, Flatulent Cow Fees in $3.5T Spending Bill

New Hampshire Rep. Annie Kuster joined her fellow House Energy and Commerce Committee Democrats to save tax breaks for wealthy…
by Michael Graham | September 16, 2021 Read More

BARTH: Will New Chant Be ‘No War for Rare Earth Metals?’

America has been on an all-out push to transfer from internal combustion and diesel to electric and hybrid vehicles for…
by John Barth | September 02, 2021 Read More


SOHNGEN: Biomass Energy From Forests Can Be Sustainable and Carbon Neutral

The issue of carbon neutrality for wood-based bioenergy just won't go away. In recent months, Politico, The New York Times,…
by Brent Sohngen | July 14, 2021 Read More

CSX-Pan Am Deal, Backed by Sununu, Would Bring Class I Rail Service to NH

CSX Corp. announced Friday it has submitted an amended and supplemented application to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) as part…
by Chris Woodward | July 04, 2021 Read More

Energy Experts to Biden: You Can’t Go Green Without Getting Serious About Mining

While President Joe Biden was promoting his push for electric vehicles at a Ford plant in Michigan, Congressional Republicans were…
by Jessica R. Towhey | May 20, 2021 Read More

New England Energy Execs Emphasize Reliability Over Renewables

Energy industry leaders who gathered for a New England Council virtual roundtable on Tuesday repeatedly emphasized pragmatic issues like reliability…
by Michael Graham | May 19, 2021 Read More

KARTCH: Corporate Tax Hikes Will Hit NH Right in the Wallet

If President Biden and Sens. Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen raise the corporate tax rate, New Hampshire households and businesses…
by NHJOpinion | April 10, 2021 Read More

Ossowski: Community Aggregation, or Community Operation? Your Electric Bill Could Hang in the Balance

When it comes to your electric bill, consumers looking to change utilities, or use different sources of power, face limited…
by Yael Ossowski | February 28, 2021 Read More


Should Your Town Politicians Be In Charge of Your Electrical Power?

Would you trust your local board of selectmen to be in charge of whether your lights come on? In addition…
by Michael Graham | February 15, 2021 Read More

OPINION: Let American Energy Fuel the Recovery

One month into 2021, a divided America faces more challenges than anytime in modern history. But after a year of…
by Frank Macchiarola | February 11, 2021 Read More

Propane Outlook Strong This Winter

Speculation of a coming propane shortage has been buzzing for months, but Granite Staters using the fuel to keep warm…
by Damien Fisher | January 11, 2021 Read More

Waste Report: NH Spends Tens of Thousands Studying Program Its Already Rejected

It is illegal for New Hampshire to join the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) cap-and-trade program without legislative approval. Gov. Sununu…
by Christopher Maidment | December 17, 2020 Read More

PODCAST: What Will Power the NH Energy Policy Debate in 2021 Legislative Session?

On this edition of the New Hampshire Journal podcast, Rep. Michael Vose (R-Epping) talks about the energy policy issues likely…
by Michael Graham | December 16, 2020 Read More

Pipeline Constraints Put New England At Risk in Extreme Weather, ISO Warns

New England should have enough power to get through the coming winter, the region’s independent electric grid operator predicted on…
by Andrew Cline | December 10, 2020 Read More


VOSE: As COVID Spikes, Keep Utility Rate Hikes On Hold

By NH State Rep. Michael Vose A recent editorial from New Hampshire's Consumer Advocate Maurice Kreis called, “The PUC Gets…
by NHJOpinion | December 03, 2020 Read More

Execs Who Wrote Feltes’ Energy Plan Would Profit From It

Ratepayer advocates say consumers will lose if Sen. Dan Feltes' energy plan goes into effect. Green activists disagree. But there's…
by Michael Graham | August 26, 2020 Read More

Liberty Utilities Pulls Plug on Granite Bridge Project, But Natural Gas Will Still Flow

Liberty Utilities announced on Friday it’s pulling the plug on the Granite Bridge pipeline project, bringing an end to a…
by Michael Graham | July 31, 2020 Read More

What Andru Volinsky Gets Wrong About Granite Bridge

Last Friday, Andru Volinsky was in Exeter, N.H., for a high-profile press event on a topic that is anything but:…
by Michael Graham | July 26, 2020 Read More

New Hampshire Pays 4th Highest Energy Costs; Biden Policy Could Make It Worse

Granite Staters could think twice about turning on that air conditioner or how they set their thermostat this winter. That’s…
by Gregory Bresiger | July 14, 2020 Read More

New Hampshire’s Energy Future is Bright With Granite Bridge

Increased access to cleaner-burning energy, 330 jobs, $440 million in economic investment and more than $850 million in savings for…
by Craig Stevens | March 24, 2020 Read More


Study: New England Gas Prices Could Rise Substantially Under a Regional Climate Initiative

A proposed regional climate initiative could cost New England families nearly $800 a year in gas prices alone, according to a…
by Hiram Reisner | March 12, 2020 Read More

New England Region’s Power System Considers Carbon Pricing, as Critics Cry Foul

New England’s shift to renewable energy resources could accelerate if the six states in the region move to a carbon…
by Hiram Reisner | March 10, 2020 Read More

New Report Says Green New Deal Would Hit N.H. Middle Class Hard

Bernie Sanders’ aggressive climate policy could bankrupt New Hampshire's middle class. That’s the finding of a new study on the…
by Jessica R. Towhey | February 27, 2020 Read More

Utilities Group Helps Protect Customers From Scammers

Scammers are relentless in their pursuit to separate you from your money. Among their most common schemes are impersonating electric…
by Tom Kuhn | November 20, 2019 Read More

NH Dems Decry ‘Skyrocketing Electric Rates,’ But Proposals Would Drive Costs Higher

“It’s incumbent upon every elected official to do all we can to address skyrocketing electric rates," State Senate Majority Leader…
by Michael Graham | October 18, 2019 Read More

Environmental Groups Urge NH Legislators to Sustain Sununu’s Veto of Biomass Bailout Bill

Several local, state, and national environmental groups sent a letter to New Hampshire state legislators today urging them to sustain…
by Staff Writer | September 17, 2019 Read More


New Hampshire Activists Demand to Close Coal Plant They’ve Inadvertently Kept Alive

On August 17,  eight environmental activists clad in white coveralls entered the grounds of New Hampshire’s largest remaining coal-fired power…
by Andrew Cline | September 03, 2019 Read More

OPINION: It’s Finally Time to Say “Pass” on Northern Pass

After nearly a decade of debate, discussion and dissent, Northern Pass is finally coming to a head next week at…
by Andy Smith | May 13, 2019 Read More

Dem Energy Proposals Could Put N.H. Ratepayers on Hook for Billions

CONCORD -- New Hampshire Democrats who took control of the legislature in November are proposing a series of bills that…
by Grant Bosse | April 02, 2019 Read More

Lack of Pipelines Raises Energy Costs in New England

It's a cold week for the U.S.--so cold, in fact, weather maps have been forced to adopt new color schemes.…
by Erin Mundahl | January 31, 2019 Read More

Last Year’s New Hampshire Winter Was Brutal on the Energy Grid. Get Ready for Worse.

New Hampshire began 2018 with a brutal winter-weather bang. The New Year’s Eve high in Manchester was just 5 degrees.…
by Michael Graham | October 17, 2018 Read More

The Strange Bedfellows of Biomass Politics

It’s the politics of strange bedfellows in New Hampshire over biomass subsidies, where a Republican’s fight for lower rates is…
by Michael Graham | September 06, 2018 Read More


Granite Bridge Support Signals Shifting Attitudes Toward Responsible Energy Development

Early this summer the New Hampshire Senate notched a small but symbolic victory. In a near unanimous vote, lawmakers from…
by Craig Stevens | September 05, 2018 Read More

More Bad News for Anti-Pipeline Activists as Bipartisan Support Builds for Natural Gas

“I vote 'No' on  Granite Bridge!” may be an applause-grabbing line for New Hampshire Democrat Steve Marchand, but for a…
by Michael Graham | August 14, 2018 Read More

Why Are N.H. Ratepayers Stuck With High Energy Costs?

A new survey of energy costs is just the latest reminder that New Hampshire homeowners and businesses pay through the…
by Michael Graham | July 11, 2018 Read More

OUR TURN: The Case Against Granite Bridge

On Thursday, June 21, ran an article on environmental groups opposing any new natural gas pipeline projects. Patricia Martin…
by Michael Graham | June 22, 2018 Read More

A “Bridge” Too Far For Anti-Pipeline Movement In New Hampshire?

In the politically divided purple state of New Hampshire, getting 22 of the legislature’s 24 state senators to agree on…
by Michael Graham | June 21, 2018 Read More

EXCLUSIVE: Sununu Set To Veto Biomass Subsidies

When asked to name three things New Hampshire could do to bring down electricity rates --which are the 3rd highest…
by Michael Graham | June 14, 2018 Read More


NIMBY Strikes N.H. Again As Another Green Energy Project Is Blocked

So exactly how do the people of New Hampshire plan to get their power? Currently anti-pipeline activists like the folks…
by Michael Graham | June 07, 2018 Read More

NH Gas Prices Spike as Pump Prices Become Political Issue

New Hampshire gasoline prices jumped 8 cents last week alone, putting it among the top 10 states with the biggest…
by Michael Graham | April 24, 2018 Read More

RGGI Analysis Fails Math 101

The Analysis Group just released their review of the effects of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), and they give…
by David T. Stevenson | April 20, 2018 Read More

PODCAST: Time For NH GOP To End $2 Billion Biomass Subsidies

State Representative--and former member of the Public Utilities Commission--Michael Harrington (R-Strafford) says its long past time for Republicans to stop…
by Michael Graham | April 18, 2018 Read More

Tesla Powerwall 2: A Strange Solution for New Hampshire’s Energy Security Woes

Last winter, sustained temperatures well below freezing pushed the Northeast to set aside its green goals and to burn fuel…
by Erin Mundahl | April 18, 2018 Read More

Are Road Usage Taxes Rolling Toward New Hampshire?

Should electric car users pay "their fair share" for Granite State roads and bridges? That's the idea behind a "road…
by Michael Graham | April 12, 2018 Read More


Biomass Bill Means Bad News For NH Ratepayers

The NH House Science, Energy and Technology Committee is scheduled to take up SB 365 on Wednesday, a bill that…
by Michael Graham | April 09, 2018 Read More

With Temps Falling, New England Relies Increasingly on Oil for Excess Generation Capacity

In 2017, it was a polar vortex. Now 2018 is off to a frigid start with a so-called "bomb cyclone"…
by Erin Mundahl | January 03, 2018 Read More

How to Meet Needs of 21st Century Clean Water Challenges

BOSTON, Mass. — One year after nationwide focus on water infrastructure arose due to contamination in Flint, Michigan, industry experts are discussing…
by Jack O'Brien | November 09, 2017 Read More

Solar Industry Has Mixed Reaction to Manchester Mayor’s Proposed Energy Plan

Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas proposed a comprehensive solar energy plan for New Hampshire's largest city which he said would save…
by Jack O'Brien | October 18, 2017 Read More

Veterans Advocating Energy Innovation for New England

We in New England are being held hostage by the state of New York and its political leadership because the…
by Paul Chevalier | September 19, 2017 Read More

NH Utility Regulators Lift Cap on Net Metering For Residents With Solar-Powered Homes

State utility regulators decided to remove the limits on how much surplus energy owners of solar panels can sell back…
by Kyle Plantz | June 27, 2017 Read More


Northern Pass Public Hearings Begin, DES Nominee Questioned on Project

As the New Hampshire legislative session quickly comes to a close, the public hearings for the controversial Northern Pass project…
by Kyle Plantz | June 19, 2017 Read More

Yale Students Concerned About University’s Involvement in Portion of NH’s Northern Pass Project

As the Northern Pass application makes its way through the state's Site Evaluation Committee, students opposed to the project are sounding…
by Kyle Plantz | May 21, 2017 Read More

Capt. James McCormick: NH Needs to Prioritize Energy Independence, Infrastructure Development

Every year, members of Vets4Energy pick a region of the country to travel the Purple Heart Trail in their vehicles.…
by Kyle Plantz | April 24, 2017 Read More

This Week Has Seen Major Setbacks For Eversource, Northern Pass. Here’s Why.

The month of March hasn't been good to Northern Pass and its parent company, Eversource. First, there were the conflicting…
by Kyle Plantz | March 28, 2017 Read More

Updating New Hampshire’s Energy Infrastructure Should Be a Priority

When I ran for and served in office, it was because I wanted to bring a new, younger perspective to…
by Joe Sweeney | March 16, 2017 Read More

Questions Arise Over Who Would Ultimately Pay for Northern Pass

In the past week, there have been several questions raised about the cost of the Northern Pass project and who…
by Kyle Plantz | March 15, 2017 Read More


Two Energy Issues Facing the NH Legislature Under Gov. Sununu’s Term

It's New Hampshire Energy Week in the Granite State. Throughout the week, lawmakers and energy policy advocates discussed some of…
by Kyle Plantz | March 10, 2017 Read More