New Hampshire’s future is at stake in the upcoming election.

I was proud to serve in the New Hampshire Senate from 2009 to 2024. Working with my colleagues, the House, and Gov. Sununu, we have strengthened New Hampshire’s Advantage over neighboring states.

We lowered business taxes that were among the highest in the nation. What happened? Economic growth increased, generating far more revenue than anticipated.

We phased out the Income Tax on Interest and Dividends. Over 60 percent of the people who file this tax return pay $500 or less. Despite the spin, this income tax targeted retirees and small business partnerships.

We lowered the cost of workers’ compensation and unemployment compensation.

We balanced our budgets and have deposited almost $300 million of surplus revenue into the Rainy Day Fund.

We also used surplus revenue to make significant investments in our mental health and substance abuse prevention efforts.

We further used surplus revenue to make significant increases in funding for public education and affordable housing.

We dedicated significant revenue to making our public schools safer.

We enhanced parent’s opportunities to send their children to alternative schools best suited for their needs, and we fought to make sure parents are fully informed of what is happening in their children’s schools.

We fought efforts to curtail free speech rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and we preserved law-abiding citizens’ rights to protect their property and loved ones.

We worked to ensure our elections are clean and transparent — that it is easy to vote but hard to cheat.

We worked to upgrade our drinking water and wastewater systems and worked to diminish the threat of PFAS, often called forever chemicals.

We worked to provide greater access to health care while at the same time protecting taxpayers.

And we dedicated significant surplus revenue to property tax relief — $500 million in the 2021 budget and $169 million more for public education in 2023.

What have the results of all this work been?

New Hampshire is the safest state in the nation. (US News and World Reports)
New Hampshire has the lowest poverty rate in the nation. (Census Bureau)
New Hampshire has the 5th highest median family income in the nation. (World Population Review)
New Hampshire has the 4th lowest unemployment rate in the nation (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
New Hampshire ranks first for Health and for Child Well Being (Annie E. Casey Foundation)
New Hampshire ranks first for economic freedom (Fraser Institute)

What does this mean? US News and World Reports ranks New Hampshire as the 2nd Best State to live in! It also means Republicans have done their job of governing!

Unfortunately, Democrats will change this dramatically if they win in November. Look no further than Democrats using abortion as a wedge to hide their true intentions.

First, the facts. Abortion is safe and legal for any reason in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. In the seventh, eighth, and ninth months, there are exceptions to protect a woman in a medical emergency and for fatal fetal anomalies. Those are the facts. That’s the law. And most New Hampshire residents agree abortion on demand in the seventh, eighth, and ninth months, even up until the moment of birth, is not acceptable except to protect the mother or fatal fetal anomalies.

So, why are Democrats misrepresenting the facts on abortion?

It’s simple. Democrats want to raise business taxes and restore the Income Tax on Interest and Dividends. Many Democrats want an even more broad-based income or sales tax. With groceries and energy costs out of sight, hard-working New Hampshire residents can’t afford an income or sales tax.

Democrats support sanctuary policies — a magnet for illegal aliens to come to New Hampshire. Democrats opposed more law enforcement resources on New Hampshire’s northern border. New Hampshire voters need look no further than Massachusetts, where taxpayers are on the hook for over a billion dollars just for shelter services for illegal aliens.

Many Democrats fought efforts to fix our bail laws so that violent criminals were too often released only to reoffend again.

Many Democrats fought efforts to toughen penalties on drug traffickers who distribute fentanyl and other deadly drugs to New Hampshire residents.

Democrats support policies that will drive up the cost of energy in New Hampshire when the cost of everything, including energy, has risen precipitously due to Washington’s inflationary policies.

Democrats oppose efforts to ensure that women play in women’s sports and have women-only locker rooms.

Democrats oppose efforts to ensure that parents know what is happening in their children’s schools and oppose educational choices for low-income families.

We can continue on the path that has New Hampshire at the top of so many national rankings. Or we can choose a path like so many states around us of high taxes, less economic opportunity, more and more government spending, higher crime, more illegal aliens, and less freedom.

For me, the choice is clear in New Hampshire. Vote for Republicans to stay in charge in Concord —- starting with Kelly Ayotte!