Dan Richards is a father of two living in Etna, NH. He submitted the following testimony in support of HB544, which would restrict schools and state agencies from disseminating the ideas behind Critical Race Theory. The bill passed the House Executive Departments and Administration Committee 10-9 on Thursday.


Dear Committee Members,

We write this email to respectfully request you vote in favor of HB544.  I believe most of our fellow citizens in NH do not believe racist and discriminatory practices are acceptable and this bill would make sure that these practices are against NH State law.

We have two children, one in second grade and one who will be entering kindergarten next year at SAU70 and we are deeply concerned about what is being taught regarding these topics.

For example, an intensive was recently taught titled “Exploring Whiteness and Becoming an Anti-Racist Activist” that contained blatantly racist and anti-American topics.  The course syllabus is attached for your reference.

A brief summary of the objectionable content includes:


  1. A quiz that asks:  The rise of white supremacy was tied most directly to:
    1. Indian removal
    2. Slavery
    3. The Declaration of Independence (according to the quiz, this is the correct answer)
    4. The US Constitution
    5. Ancient Greece


  1. A 2hr 13min lecture given by Tim Wise that includes the following statements:
    1. “Rich white people telling working class white people that their problem is other working class people who just so happen to be browner than themselves.  That is the whole history of America.”
    2. “Let’s be clear.  Our ancestors from Europe were the losers of their societies.”
    3. “Liberty and freedom?  You think we believed in that?  What history book have you been reading?  We didn’t believe in that.”


  1. A 1hr23 minute lecture from Robin DiAngelo who states over and over again and whose entire talk is consumed with how all whites are “fragile” due their complicity in our ”racist system.”


In my opinion, these kinds of statements are as objectionable as they are false and inflammatory.  They have no place in our NH schools and the training programs of NH companies. 

I am the son of a Marine veteran and my grandfather and several great uncles served in the armed forces during WWII.  Some of my ancestors were rounded up, sent to camps and exterminated.  My family knows what racism and white supremacy look like.  We have fought and we have died to defend the United States and the egalitarian principles for which it stands.  It is a sad commentary about our times that we need HB544, but the reality is that we do. 

Please pass HB544 so I can send my kids to a school free from racism, discrimination and racial stereotyping. 

Thank you,

Daniel L. Richards

Etna, NH