As New Hampshire reflects on the recent presidential primary, our two gubernatorial candidates took widely different stances. While Sen. Chuck Morse came out in support of President Donald J. Trump, participating in several rallies, hosting an Election Day kickoff, and encouraging voter turnout, Kelly Ayotte sat silent in the shadows. While she’s admitted in the past she would support the ‘Republican nominee,’ her unwillingness to even say the president’s name exposes the sentiment she’s held since 2016 – and one that cost her re-election. Kelly Ayotte is no supporter of President Trump, and her similarly secret stances on critical GOP issues expose her liberal facade that voters cannot afford to overlook.

Ayotte’s campaign is all about Massachusetts, which makes sense because she has barely shown her face in New Hampshire for almost a decade. And even now, she refuses to address core Republican grassroots groups and take hard questions – she’d rather hide from her record like Joe Biden. To me, this raises serious questions about her suitability for leadership, Republican or otherwise.

While some candidates like Chuck Morse proudly championed conservative ideals here in New Hampshire like education freedom, Second Amendment rights, and border security, Ayotte voted against many such initiatives as U.S senator. She even voted for amnesty for illegal immigrants and stood against a majority of Republicans when it came to the ‘Gang of Eight’ bill. No wonder she was the third most liberal Republican senator by the time she left office. It seems Kelly Ayotte has a proven record in one category – going against fellow Republicans.

This is more clear when observing Ayotte’s animosity toward President Trump, particularly during the 2016 election, speaking volumes about her commitment to Republican principles and her refusal to unify our party. While other Republicans stood firmly with the party’s nominee, Ayotte’s self-importance cost her re-election and raised doubts about her loyalty to the GOP.

Sen. Chuck Morse has a history of working with representatives who sit across the Republican spectrum. We know he will not simply reject and dismiss those who don’t share 100 percent of his values. He’s promised to help elect Republicans up and down the ticket, and unlike Kelly Ayotte – he has a record that proves it.

Voters should demand transparency and integrity from our candidates and seek answers to a questionable record like Ayotte’s. Her evasive tactics and tepid adherence to Republican values fall short of the standards expected of the true conservative champion she so candidly claims to be.

In contrast, leaders like Chuck Morse embody true commitment and principled leadership on conservative values that New Hampshire deserves. Morse’s steadfast advocacy for Republican principles and unapologetic support for President Trump demonstrate the kind of leadership our state needs. He has a backbone and a well-respected record of delivering results that work for Granite State families.

Let’s remember the importance of holding our leaders accountable and standing up for the values that define us as Republicans. The time has come to demand more from our representatives and to reject the kind of evasive politics exemplified by Kelly Ayotte and D.C. politicians.

Only by embracing strong, principled leadership can we ensure a brighter future for New Hampshire. We must unite in supporting Chuck Morse for governor.