If New Hampshire Democrat state party chair Ray Buckley had any shame, well, he wouldn’t be Ray Buckley.

Buckley, or as he’s known at the Democratic National Committee, “The Gimp,”  led his party through a humiliating display of political bootlicking at its annual Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner fundraiser Friday night.

(Why Eleanor Roosevelt, a woman with no connections to the Granite State? Well, it’s a long — and hilarious — story.)

The Democrats’ evening began with anti-Israel protesters outside the venue, repeating their antisemitic call for the destruction of the nation of Israel. None of the event’s speakers had the courage to denounce the extremism in their progressive ranks, even when it showed up in the parking lot outside.

Instead, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen issued a mealy-mouthed rejection of “all hate,” throwing “Islamophobia” and “anti-LGBT discrimination” into her word salad. Then she suggested the real problem was with “MAGA Republicans,” not the left-wing Democrats breaking windows in Merrimack or terrorizing Jewish students at Harvard and UPenn.

So nobody was going to win a Profile in Courage Award Friday night. But the utter obsequiousness of Buckley, Shaheen, and the party toward the Democrat who dissed them was still gasp-inducing.

For the record, there is one reason and one reason only that New Hampshire Democrats lost their First in the Nation primary status, and its name is “Joe Biden.” Left-leaning news outlets may be unwilling to report it or try to bury it in the 17th paragraph, but the facts aren’t in dispute. The Biden White House gave the DNC its marching orders, and the DNC followed them.


Also, for the record: Joe Biden’s clearly stated reason for refusing to even allow his name to appear on the New Hampshire ballot is because Granite State Democrats are ethnically suspect (aka “too White.”) They aren’t trustworthy on issues of diversity. Why, even campaigning here is an insult to people of color, Biden’s allies say.

And what’s the response to this unfair, unsubstantiated, and outrageous insult from the state’s Democratic Party leaders?

“Thank you, sir–may I have another?”

The room Friday night was full of “Write In Biden” signs as speaker after speaker pledged to do everything possible to win an election for a man who refuses to participate in it.

“Let’s kick off 2024 by writing Biden, by making our very first New Hampshire primary — the nation’s first primary — the very first victory for the Biden-Harris campaign team,” Shaheen told the crowd.

Not to be outdone, Rep. Annie Kuster announced, “I plan to write in President Joe Biden,” and she urged Democrats to do the same and “join our effort…to protect democracy.” How is writing in someone who refuses to participate in your election “protecting democracy?” Kuster didn’t elaborate.

And it’s not just New Hampshire where democracy is being “protected” in the name of Biden’s reelection. The Florida Democratic Party plans to block every name on its primary ballot except Joe Biden’s.

“Americans would expect the absence of democracy in Tehran, not Tallahassee,” said U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), one of the Democrats challenging Biden. Like him or hate him, Dean is at least willing to actually campaign in New Hampshire, taking the slings and arrows for asking Granite Staters for their votes.

Now he is being mocked for it by the same New Hampshire Democrats who allowed the DNC’s “racist” smear of their own voters to go unanswered for years.

How pathetic are Buckley and the Democrats in their self-flagellation before the Biden White House?

They gave the 2023 Eleanor Roosevelt Award Friday night to Joanne Dowdell — the woman who literally lost the First in the Nation primary for New Hampshire. She was, as Buckley put it, “our voice on the DNC Rules Committee” when the DNC took the state’s FITN status. 

Her entire job was to stop that from happening. She failed. And so they gave her an award.

Meanwhile, Biden insults New Hampshire Democrats; he refuses to participate in their primary, and he gets rousing cheers and public pledges of undying loyalty.

Say what you want about The Gimp, but at least he wore a mask.