New Hampshire Journal readers say they like former President Donald Trump’s pick of J.D. Vance as his running mate, though they doubt the Ohio senator will make much impact on the outcome of the race here in the Granite State.

About 200 readers responded to a survey from NHJournal sent in the wake of Trump’s announcement, asking for their views of both the Vance choice and the current state of the presidential race. While it is not a poll, it is a glimpse into the thinking of Granite Staters who follow politics closely, particularly from the GOP side of the political aisle.

Asked for their take on Trump’s pick, 22 percent called it “great,” while another 52 percent said it was “good.” About 16 percent called it “terrible.”

Now that the Trump-Vance ticket is in place, nearly half of respondents said they are “more excited to vote for Trump,” and a quarter (28 percent) said they were “less excited, but still voting for Trump.”

Dozens of readers used the opportunity to share their views of Vance’s selection. Many acknowledged they still didn’t know much about him, but they like what they’d heard.

“He is a Marine, a smart guy who went to THE Ohio State University and then got his law degree at Yale,” one reader wrote. “He grew up poor and is living the American Dream. He was a Never Trumper but flipped, which I believe will actually help him with independents.”

Another reader was less enthusiastic, but still on board.

“Vance was not my first choice. I was not happy about his past comments about Trump, but he has said he was mistaken so there’s that. After Trump’s assassination attempt I don’t see how anyone doesn’t vote for him! Trump is a warrior and more Republicans would do well to be more like him instead of rolling over for Democrats too many times.”

Several readers referenced the assassination attempt, unsolicited, and they said it solidified their support for Trump.

“Until Saturday I was going to stay home, as I did in 2020, because neither candidate is worthy of my vote,” a respondent wrote. “And then Trump met his moment and triumphed over it. Voting a straight Republican ticket even if I have to retch my way to and from the polls. It is not an affirmation but a negation of Democratic lunacy. Donations of ginger tea will be gratefully accepted.”

Another wrote, “After Saturday’s Trump assassination attempt, I will be voting for Trump in November. Prior to Saturday I was unsure if I would vote for any presidential candidate. The Democrat anti-Trump rhetoric has to stop.”

NHJournal readers overwhelmingly agree the most likely outcome in November is a Trump-Vance victory over Biden Harris in the race for the White House (59 percent), while only a small fraction believe the Democrats will prevail (13 percent).

They are less confident that Trump will carry the Granite State. A majority (64 percent) say the Vance pick won’t make any difference in New Hampshire, and a plurality (42 percent) give the GOP a 50-50 chance of winning the state’s Electoral College votes.

There were critical comments regarding Vance as well, with several readers saying he’s too far to the right to help Trump win.

“Vance doesn’t move the needle here. He’s unknown outside of the political class in the state and won’t do anything to help Trump with the college-educated soccer moms in the Golden Triangle,” one reader wrote.

“Perfect pick to lose any chance of winning the independent vote like mine,” another added.

Among the other names mentioned as possible running mates, the most popular for NHJournal readers are Nikki Haley (18 percent), Sen. Tim Scott (17 percent), Gov. Doug Burgum (14 percent) and Gov. Glenn Youngkin (12 percent).

But for some readers, it really doesn’t matter.

“I know literally nothing about the VP selection. Trump is my guy and I’m voting for him!”