New Hampshire has been named the best state for child well-being in the nation, just the latest in “We’re Number One!” moments for the Granite State.

The ranking came from the newly-released 2023 KIDS COUNT® Data Book, a 50-state report of recent household data compiled by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

According to a statement from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), New Hampshire was ranked first in the nation in overall well-being for children. It also ranked in the top five on specifics like economic well-being, education, health, and family and community factors.

“To be ranked the #1 state in America for child well-being should be a major point of pride for all Granite Staters,” said Gov. Chris Sununu. “Together, we’ve made landmark investments in early childhood education, mental health, childcare, and so much more. Our work continues, but this ranking further proves that New Hampshire is far and away the best place for children and families to thrive.”

Sununu has had many opportunities to tout New Hampshire’s best-in-the-nation performances. In the last year alone, the Granite State was named first in overall freedom by the Cato Institute, first in public safety by U.S. News, and first in economic freedom by the Fraser Institute.

In a statement, DHHS Interim Commissioner Lori Weaver called the ranking an honor and “the result of the collective efforts made by the department, our community partners, and stakeholders across the state.

“This recognition is not something we take for granted, and much more progress lies ahead. We will continue to lift the daily work that occurs on behalf of children and families that allows them to grow in communities that are supported, successful, and strong.”

In the DHHS, the agency noted, investments in childcare made by the state in the most recent budget, including “a $15 million workforce fund, enrollment-based payment to child care providers on behalf of families receiving the New Hampshire Child Care Scholarship vs. attendance-based payment, and expanded eligibility for the Child Care Scholarship to 85 percent of the state median income.”