As Senate President, I Ied on Parental Rights and Education Freedom because I believe that when parents have choices, kids have opportunities. Parents play an indispensable role in nurturing and guiding their children through the pathways of education, and as a father, I understand a child’s success is profoundly influenced by the active involvement of their parents.

As I begin my campaign to be the next governor of New Hampshire, I am dedicated to advocating for a platform firmly rooted in conservative principles, centered around the core belief that every parent has a right to be rooted in their child’s education, and every child has a right to benefit from such involvement.

For this reason, I wanted to make ‘Moms For Morse’ the first official coalition of our campaign, which stands as a testament to my commitment to championing parental rights and empowering students across our Granite State.

My commitment to Granite State moms means:

Enacting a Parental Bill of Rights

It is imperative that we empower New Hampshire parents with a stronger voice in their child’s education and upbringing. A Parental Bill of Rights will ensure that parents are informed and involved in key decisions affecting their children’s education, fostering a transparent and honest partnership between parents and schools that is vital for a child’s academic success and personal growth.

Extending Education Freedom for Every Student

New Hampshire’s educational landscape should be characterized by diversity and choice, allowing families in our Granite State to select the best-suited educational options for their children. By extending Education Freedom to every student, we aim to provide families with a range of educational alternatives that cater to each child’s unique needs and aspirations.

Safeguarding the Integrity of Women’s Sports

Preserving the integrity of women’s sports is crucial to ensuring a level playing field for girls in athletic competitions. We’ll stand firm as a state in our commitment to uphold fairness in sports, giving every aspiring female athlete the ability to compete on equal terms and pursue their athletic dreams with dignity and respect.

At the forefront of this coalition, we have an incredible team of New Hampshire moms who have experience serving our state and a passion for helping our children excel.

Two State Senators, Sharon Carson and Ruth Ward, have been powerhouses in the Senate when it comes to education freedom and parental rights. I was lucky enough to serve with them for a few terms, and we collaborated on these subjects over multiple years.

Additionally, we have State Rep. Lorie Ball and Hon. Lynne Ober, who bring current and past legislative insight to our team.

Lastly, we’re lucky to have the perspectives of both Donna Morris, former President of the Salem Chamber of Commerce,  and Melissa Harvey, New Boston Library Trustee, who have been integral to local community happenings. I am incredibly proud to have this diverse team of accomplished moms leading my Moms for Morse coalition team.

In just 48 hours, our “Moms for Morse” coalition saw an astounding response, with over 75 dedicated moms joining our cause, 55 of which we released today. Their enthusiasm and passion for shaping the educational landscape of New Hampshire has energized our campaign, and we continue to welcome new additions daily, further reinforcing our belief that parental involvement is key to unlocking a child’s full potential.

This campaign is only just beginning, and I couldn’t imagine a better group to kick it off with than the moms of New Hampshire.