Despite local outcry and national media mockery, Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess isn’t backing down. The historic Pine Tree Flag shall not fly at city hall.

Nashua resident and political activist Beth Scaer made a formal request to fly the flag on the public flag pole to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. The flag, with its green pine tree and “Appeal To Heaven” text, flew over Gen. George Washington’s troops that day.

Her request was rejected by Nashua’s “Risk Manager” Jennifer L. Deshaies, who said the banner “is not in harmony with the message that the city wishes to express and endorse.” Scaer appealed Deshaies’ decision to Donchess.

The Democratic mayor didn’t budge.

“My office has received your letter appealing the decision to deny your request to fly the Pine Tree flag on the City Hall flag pole. Upon further review of your letter and the City’s flag pole policy, this decision is upheld.”

Nashua’s ban on a flag whose historic roots go back to the 1772 Pine Tree Riot in Weare, N.H. left some people angry and others puzzled.

Count state Sen. Kevin Avard among the angry.

“It’s a disgrace,” Avard told NHJournal. “Frankly, our country needs to reflect and consider an ‘appeal to heaven’ for mercy, wisdom and love for our neighbors.”

Suffolk University history professor Robert Allison was puzzled. He pointed out that the “appeal to heaven” text is a quote from the philosopher John Locke, whose works helped inspire the ideas that led to the founding of America.

(“Where the Body of the People, or any single Man, is deprived of their Right, or is under the Exercise of a power without right, and have no Appeal on Earth, there they have a liberty to appeal to Heaven, whenever they judge the Cause of sufficient moment,” Locke wrote in 1689.)

“I am reminded of what Justice Robert Jackson said in the second flag salute case, that “what is one man’s comfort and inspiration is another’s jest and scorn.” We are now arguing about symbols.”

Republican candidate for Congress Lily Tang Williams, running in the Second District that includes Nashua, said it was “sad to see” the city’s actions.

“We are so proud to live in Weare. I had the Pine Tree Flag on our property for the last three years until the winter storm destroyed it. Time to get a new one.”

Avard says the problem is in Nashua City Hall.

“We need new leadership.”