Hallelujah, New Hampshire Democrats have finally seen the light and want to join Republicans in cutting spending!
Well, probably not. But if you believe the rhetoric coming from the New Hampshire Senate Democrat caucus this week, you would think they were Ronald Reagan and Mel Thompson rolled into one. In fact, Sen. Cindy Rosenwald even hijacked an old conservative cliche and accused the Republicans of “spending like drunken sailors.”
If we’re the drunken sailors, then I’m scared to even ask what type of inebriated nautical traveler that would make the Democrats!
But seriously, do Democrats actually think Granite Staters are naive enough to buy what they’re selling?
After decades of never seeing a spending bill that they didn’t like, suddenly the Democrats want us to believe they are the party of fiscal discipline? I wish it were true and I would welcome them with open arms. But I simply don’t believe it, and neither should you.
Let’s not forget who we’re talking about. This is the party of Joe Biden that spent us into a $36 trillion national debt and are now acting like the sky is falling because President Donald Trump wants to slow their out of control federal spending. This is the party that just a few years ago tried to pass a mandatory Paid Family Leave bill that would have spent us into an income tax. They’re the party that consistently votes to waste your money on “Green Energy” mandates and gun-grabbing regulations and red flag laws. That’s not to mention the sweetheart spending bills Democrats are always writing for their political friends in the teacher’s unions on your dime.
It would almost be funny if it weren’t so absurd. If the Democrats truly want to become a party of fiscal responsibility, I have a few suggestions for them. After all, as a Republican, I’ve been fighting for less spending and lower taxes my entire life.
Let’s start with our budget. The Republican majority has delivered a lean, balanced budget each year since we retook the majority in 2020. We have rebuilt our Rainy Day Fund and set our state on a path of prosperity with responsible spending and lower taxes. The Democrats have attempted to thwart those efforts at every turn before eventually voting for the parts of the budget that they like.
This year, Republicans will prepare and deliver yet another balanced budget. I fully expect to hear opposition from Democrats and pre-rehearsed lines about the supposed “draconian” cuts we are making to their favorite pet projects.
I predict their answer when this vote comes up will be to raise taxes or take away school choice from low-income families, not to cut spending. However, if they truly want to be a party of fiscal responsibility, this is a great opportunity for them to prove it.
Of course, spending doesn’t just come from the budget. Smart policy can also help the state avoid incurring future costs. Take for instance the multitude of immigration reform measures Republicans are proposing this year.
As we’ve seen in our neighboring state to the south, unchecked illegal immigration can cost a state upwards of $1 billion per year. However, just this week, state Senate Democrats fought against our legislation to ban sanctuary cities and invalidate out-of-state drivers licenses for illegals, despite the fact that their Democrat counterparts in the federal delegation down in Washington all voted this week to pass the Laken Riley Act aimed at deporting illegals who commit crimes. Getting serious about spending means looking at the avoidable costs. Preventing illegal immigration in our state is an obvious decision.
It is possible that Democrats learned something from the embarrassment they suffered in the November elections and realized voters rejected their tax and spend agenda wholesale. If that’s the case, I would expect to see a party brought back from the far left wing where they’ve been living for years now. Only time will tell. But as far as I’m concerned, actions speak louder than press conferences.