When the right to life from conception to natural death is at stake as legislators and allies step in as godheads supporting civil laws that institute a death power over others, it results in cooperating with obscured perceptions of fundamental principles on care for saving human lives and undermines a person’s sanctity of life.
Laws that promote medical care by murder are incapable of distinguishing between good and evil, and with the populous mind, it is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis in a society lacking moral sense.
God’s divine command teaches, “Thou shalt not kill,” given as a wise ordinance meant for human use, dead or live. Differences of when life begins or ends, embryos or fetuses, the sick or dying, have no purpose; therefore, killing is an act of mercy and compassion and, as such, is to many an allurement of instant accessibility to alleviate pregnancies under the guise of “reproductive health care,” or to justify suicide as a “mercy killing to eliminate suffering.”
Even if it is the will of another to kill oneself, being pseudo-courageous or empathetic to believe it is a person’s right to eliminate life as a choice is never dignified, noble, or honorable, regardless of the circumstances. The unfathomable act of murdering innocent babies, or supporting suicide, cannot deny facts to the billions worldwide suffering from long term physical and emotional consequences of having an abortion or to the broken hearts divided from loved ones committing suicide.
Despite the continuous hammering for society’s cooperation of laws that support the direct and intentional acts of murder through abortion and medical suicide, human beings are equipped with wills to make choices to seek a higher good of infinite truth and beauty within our being by nature through the light of reason. What is the light of reason? It is a guide provided to every human being found in one’s own acts.
Each person is given the intrinsic power to perceive the distinction, however subtle, between right and wrong. That distinction guides us according to one’s character. The intentional or voluntary cooperation in allowing the murder of another contradicts human beings’ natural inclination to preserve and perpetuate life. It is contrary to the just love of self. It offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other societies in which we continue to have obligations.
As we live in a throwaway culture of a fragmented society of broken families and communities who marginalize death as a means to an end, claiming medical care to kill is a “right to my body”, billions of eyes and ears still remain open to seeing and hearing the basic truths and value of respecting life while pushing forward on the road to true freedom to end medical murder.
Now is the time to protect and guard at all costs the weak and vulnerable with charity and love, especially the physically and mentally disabled, the young and old, the poor and sick, those encountering fear, financial hardships, and unable to communicate or understand life’s journey. Virtuous acts of life-giving care of physical, psychological, and spiritual support enable a person to review life as the greatest gift, to give thanks, to reconcile, to mend broken hearts, to strengthen souls, to seek forgiveness, to lend a hand for others, and obtain spiritual peace with a clear conscience.
The will of the people determines a nation of choices, now divided on abortion and assisted-suicide assisted suicide issues. To save a nation from destruction, to save the Constitution to its founding principle that governments are instituted precisely to preserve unalienable rights to life, for free and fair elections, for freedom of speech and religion, and stopping extremism, each person has a duty to build a culture of life while working toward policies that choose life instead of death and legislate policies to protect Americans from murder.
From conception to natural death, welcoming the least of us is a life worth dignity and value and upon death, is a life well-served.