The State Employees’ Association proudly announced its endorsement of Councilor Cinde Warmington in the New Hampshire Democratic Party gubernatorial primary last week. Councilor Warmington’s close collaboration with many of our members and her advocacy on their behalf underscore her qualifications for the position. Her bipartisan approach and readiness to collaborate across party lines set a commendable example for everyone in Concord. Washington politics could even learn a thing or two from New Hampshire’s successes, especially our recent balanced, bipartisan budget.

Councilor Warmington’s ability to work with everyone to achieve wins for working people is exactly what Granite Staters need and deserve. We are fortunate to reside in a state where four capable individuals are willing to commit themselves to running for governor. They are all willing to address the many challenging issues confronting the Granite State over the next two years. We are eager to engage the two major Republican candidates next, and we are thankful for the active engagement of our conservative members.

Sen. Ayotte hails from a military background, boasts experience as a prosecutor, served as legal counsel for Gov. Benson, became New Hampshire’s first female attorney general, and held a seat in the U.S. Senate. Her decision to run for a statewide office offers valuable insights into the people’s needs and priorities.

Sen. Morse, a seasoned business owner, brings 20 years of combined experience in the House and Senate to the table. His eight-year tenure as Senate president underscores his intimate understanding of the state’s workings from grassroots to governance.

Whoever the next governor is, they surely will inherit a host of pressing issues. How do we enhance job attractiveness and retain public service employees? How do we recruit young people to the Granite State? How can we address inflation concerns for employees and retirees? How might AI (Artificial Intelligence) be leveraged to streamline and enhance citizen services, alleviating the strain on an understaffed workforce grappling with overwhelming caseloads?

Furthermore, addressing challenges such as the fentanyl crisis, soaring energy costs, homelessness, affordable housing for the workforce, and mental health issues remains imperative. We again applaud all the candidates who are running and our membership, especially those who are active with the Republican Party.

Granite Staters diligently research to select the most suitable candidate for their families. My family consists of 11,000 state, county, municipal, and retired workers. Soon, we will be having forums with Sens. Ayotte and Morse, and our members will recommend one of them as the best candidate for our union’s membership. We do not take that responsibility lightly, and we are not done yet.