Free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly are all guaranteed freedoms but what about education freedom? Families with the financial resources have the freedom to provide their children with the education that best meets their needs, but what about the rest of us? We have to send our children to the local school mandated by the government? What if that is a failing school or it does not fit your child’s learning style? Or these days, what if your child is locked out of their classroom because local school boards have rejected opening schools?

New Hampshire has the opportunity this year to establish education freedom for all of us. HB20 is the Richard “Dick” Hinch Education Freedom Account program. This bill will have a public hearing in the House Education Committee next week. The bill establishes that every child in New Hampshire can obtain an account that parents will be able to use to find the best educational opportunities for their child. This includes children who are currently locked out of their classrooms. The state money that would have gone to your current public school district would instead be deposited into an account that you use for your child’s educational needs such as tuition, tutors, therapies, curriculum, online classes, etc. You will be in charge of your child’s education. 

Yes, there will be oversight on the use of the funds. Family purchases will be made electronically from a list of authorized providers and expense categories that will be updated as required by families. That also means families do not have the upfront payments and await reimbursement. The non-profit that manages the program as well as the Department of Education will monitor reports from the system. A parent’s advisory committee will be established as well as a legislative oversight committee to oversee the program.

This web site was established by the Education Freedom Coalition:

It provides information on the legislation as well as a tool that enables you to contact your legislators. If you want education freedom and the ability to find the best education for your children, go for it! Contact your legislator and demand education freedom for your children!

Representative Glenn Cordelli is from Tuftonboro New Hampshire and sits on the House Education Committee. He serves Moultonboro, Sandwich, and Tuftonboro in the state legislature since 2012.