At the risk of offending my good and principled friends and colleagues in the New Hampshire House “Freedom Caucus,” I am going to respectfully ask that they support and vote for Kelly Ayotte for governor.

I have a lot of activist friends that may not like this. But I am pleading with them to acknowledge that this would be the tactically intelligent thing to do. If Kelly loses to Joyce Craig, that will be a disaster for the people of New Hampshire. And I know that if the conservative, grassroots Trump voters get behind Kelly, there is no way she can lose.

I am not naïve about the complaints against Ayotte in her history as New Hampshire attorney general and as our U.S. senator. I am not asking anyone to forgive or to forget. But I truly believe that as our governor she would not play the political games she had to in Washington, D.C. She will be an effective leader for our state.

Having met face-to-face with her, I trust her to work closely with and respect the authority of our state representatives. That is a major improvement over Gov. Sununu, who treated the House like children and usurped all of our legislative powers through executive orders.

Remember if Joyce Craig wins, at best our state will waste two years in limbo, as she would veto every good bill that our majority legislature would send to her desk. As responsible Republicans and patriots, it is inconceivable to me that we would allow the destroyer of Manchester to do the same thing to our great state.

I am very proud to have a 100 percent voting record for four years in a row with the (HRA), House Republican Alliance. That makes me one of the most conservative members in the House. I am certainly no RINO or establishment crony.

I am endorsing Kelly Ayotte for governor because it is the smart and right thing to do. To my activist friends I say, you can protest her all you want after she is elected governor. To let Craig win is a non-logical, suicidal “strategy.”

For what it is worth, I am a man of faith. Discernment is one of my gifts. In my meetings with Kelly Ayotte, we spoke candidly and transparently, and I walked away with a feeling that she will be a great governor for New Hampshire and that she will partner with the legislature to restore the checks and balances that were dismantled by the last regime.