I ran statewide in New Hampshire, having visited every corner of our great state. We are hardworking, family-oriented, and look out for others in our communities. We appreciate a limited and effective government that has the best interests of our families and communities in mind.

We have been fortunate to have Gov. Chris Sununu in the corner office of the State House. His leadership has made New Hampshire the envy of New England. Look no further than our bordering southern neighbor to see what can happen when state government goes unchecked. But politics is cyclical, and Republicans will choose between two accomplished Granite Staters who have served our state well to become our nominee for governor. But we must remember the Democrats have noteworthy candidates running to be their party’s nominee. That is why we must choose the right candidate for the right reasons to lead our state.

Service to the community and country is essential to me and my family. It was ingrained in me at an early age working on the Bolduc Farm, serving as the youngest certified part-time police officer in New Hampshire, 36 years of service in the United States Army, as a nominee for the U.S. Senate, and now as a full-time police officer in Pittsfield, NH.

When I became the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in 2022, one of the first calls I received was from Kelly Ayotte. She gave me valuable advice, rolled up her sleeves, and worked on my behalf. I will always be thankful to Kelly for her kindness and sage advice, and today, I endorse her enthusiastically for governor. Kelly Ayotte is the leader our state needs to keep us moving forward.

As a lifelong Granite Stater, Kelly Ayotte uniquely embodies the values of independence and freedom at the core of New Hampshire’s identity. Regardless of your political affiliation, race, sex, creed, or religion, Kelly Ayotte will represent us and is the best choice for governor.

Her dedication to her family and community reflects her genuine concern for the well-being of the people she serves. With a background as attorney general and a U.S. senator, Kelly has the unique experience and knowledge necessary to lead New Hampshire effectively. Her unique understanding of the legal system and her unique track record of advocating for the people of New Hampshire make her the strongest candidate for the role of governor.

Kelly’s priorities align with the needs of the people of New Hampshire, and her policies will directly and positively impact their lives. She is committed to improving the state’s education system, protecting Second Amendment rights, addressing illegal immigration, supporting law enforcement and first responders, and combating the drug crisis that has devastated communities across the state.

In addition, Kelly is dedicated to supporting the National Guard and veterans, lowering energy and medical costs, and strengthening the state’s mental health system. Her comprehensive approach to governance demonstrates her commitment to addressing the diverse needs of New Hampshire residents.

Kelly Ayotte’s experience, values, and priorities make her the ideal candidate for governor of New Hampshire. Her dedication to Granite Staters and her vision for a more resilient, prosperous state makes her a compelling choice for voters. Supporting Kelly Ayotte for governor is not just a vote; it’s a decision that can ensure a brighter future for New Hampshire and its residents. This election is not just another one; it’s a crucial moment for our state.  I’m proud to stand with Kelly Ayotte for governor.