The problem with border security and immigration in our country and the Granite State is the fault of both Republicans and Democrats, past and present. Once again, they have found a security issue they created and are now pointing fingers at each other.

Republicans and Democrats in New Hampshire have done little to protect Granite Staters from the problems of unsecured borders, both north and south of us.

Whether drugs, illegal aliens, sanctuary cities, or relocation programs, Granite Staters have been made unsafe by past and present governors, state legislators, and our federal delegations from both parties.

America is not capable of proactively protecting the nation and its citizens. Both Republicans and Democrats have been deaf to the voice of Granite Staters and Americans when it comes to border security and immigration policy. The consequences of their inaction and inability to solve problems have undermined our sovereignty, resulting in disaster.

Granite Stater needs to think carefully and research who they will support in the next elections, and the media must call it honestly. The future of our children and grandchildren depends upon it.

The key issues that must be addressed are safety and security, public education, medical costs, energy costs, new business opportunities and growth, first responder retirement, mental health, the opioid crisis, and veteran disability care.

Granite Staters will need to change how and why they vote. They will have to see through the lies and the false advertising and genuinely understand that the candidate they are voting for has the best interests of our country, communities, and families, not their political careers or party.