Two polls have come out for the Republican primary in the 1st Congressional District, and both showed the same thing.  Almost 60 percent of voters were undecided about who they will vote for.

As a state senator who represents Derry, one of the largest towns in the 1st Congressional District, I was blown away by that stat, and I think it is important to outline for people why the primary matters. The reason is simple: we need to nominate a candidate ready to take on, and defeat, Chris Pappas in November.

In the state Senate, I have worked hard to protect what we call the New Hampshire Advantage. I am proud of the work I have done here in the Granite State on issues like fighting an income tax, combating the drug crisis, and supporting our police.

However, I think it is vital that Granite Staters understand that we need actual representation in Washington. Currently, Republicans have no federal representation and that has to change.

Congressman Pappas describes himself as a moderate and in an op-ed in the Union Leader this summer claimed that he is “working to bring Republicans, Democrats, and independents together to work with a common purpose.”

But that contradicts his voting record. He has supported the Biden-Harris Administration’s out-of-control spending policies which have caused the spike in inflation. I hear from my constituents regularly as they struggle to put food on the table, pay their rent and provide for their families.

I am also deeply concerned by Congressman Pappas’ opposition to qualified immunity for our police officers. While he seems to have redefined his positions in the face of public pressure, his initial willingness to throw qualified immunity out the door should serve as a blatant example of the fact that he isn’t very moderate.

Police are facing enough problems with recruitment and retention, but removing qualified immunity would open officers up to being individually sued for actions taken in the line of duty. That is a sure way to completely destroy recruitment efforts and decimate the morale of those currently in the ranks.

I have laid this out because I want people to understand the importance of the 1st Congressional District getting new representation in Congress. We need someone who will stand for Granite State families and fight to break the cycle of D.C.’s detachment from those they are supposed to represent.

We need a member of Congress who will be the voice that Granite Staters need in Washington and will help state legislators like myself continue our work to protect the New Hampshire Advantage.

There is only one candidate in the Republican primary who I believe is articulating that winning message clearly to voters and has the ability to defeat Chris Pappas in November, and that is Hollie Noveletsky.

While the race for the 1st Congressional District hasn’t generated a lot of attention this cycle, that doesn’t change the fact that this seat is winnable and it is important. On Sept. 10, I hope you’ll join me in supporting Hollie Noveletsky in the Republican primary, and again on Nov. 5 to retire Chris Pappas and bring in fresh leadership.

This race is too important to sit out.