Dear Dr. Jill Biden,
In our hearts, we know you truly care about kids. That you care about children getting a great education and the education that is just the right fit for them to thrive.
Every child is born with a thirst for knowledge and deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them. That is why we are writing. To ask you to be a champion for all children and to support school choice, education freedom accounts, and charter schools in New Hampshire.
We believe we can all be champions for children and have an education system that gives parents choice and students opportunities. That we can give parents the ability to find the best way to educate their child and not allow zip-codes or economic ability to restrict them.
We implore you to take the politics out of the school choice discussion and just talk about the best way to help kids get a great education. These things are clear: Choice programs expand the public’s access to an outstanding education, and students do better when they are in an education environment that fits their learning needs.
These things don’t have to be looked at as “either/or.” We should look to these solutions from a “both/and” perspective. Public schools don’t work for everyone and private schools don’t work for everyone. Please join us in looking at it as both/and. We believe all children should have the education that is just the right fit for them to thrive.
If a child is bullied having school choice may be the thing that helps them move to a school where they are safe. For a child with autism, having school choice may be the thing that helps them move to a learning environment with a hands-on curriculum. School choice breaks down the economic barriers and gives more families the opportunity to choose the best educational path for their children.
The past year has shown us that, now more than ever, families need education options. Children, parents, and teachers have been struggling. Imagine a school with joyful students learning in a safe and welcoming environment. With small numbers, such that their teacher can work with each student, developing and following a personal learning plan. Every child deserves such a school.
If you have financial resources you already have school choice. You can choose to live in a district that has high-quality district schools. You can choose to send your children to a private school. You can pay for tutoring and extra-curricular enrichment if your schools are not providing everything you think your child needs. But if you don’t have money, then you have none of those options.
We believe we should have the power to spend the taxes we pay for education to get the education we know will work for our children and we hope you will join and support us.
NH Moms
Shalimar Encarnacion – Manchester; Kimberlee Hebert – Hooksett; Alison Dyer – Nashua; Meg Donohue – Warner; Abbey Clegg- Manchester; Amy Shaw – Rochester; Emily Seppala – Rindge; Kim Spencer – Manchester.