Speaking of events at Bow High School, one of the things I think is totally incorrect — speaking of political correctness — is this idea that public school administrators have somehow gotten into their heads.

They’re not overseeing public education as much as they’re trying to enforce political correctness.

And that becomes political activism. It’s a slippery slope, but we’re already there, right here in New Hampshire, which is pathetic.

We’re not California, yet we’re there.

Our public school administrators are throwing out penalty flags and moving the goalposts because, in their minds, you don’t have the right as a parent to free speech if the administrators don’t agree with you.

At the same time, when you stand on the sidelines and allow this stuff to happen, you can only blame yourself.

When people see common sense being trampled upon, they need to speak up, or they’re part of the problem.

Speak up!

Parents, speak up!

Taxpayers, speak up!

I have a theory — I think most people are good.

The problem is the most good people don’t make the biggest noise. They don’t cry, yell, and scream, so they’re not noticed as much. They’re too busy earning a living, doing the right thing, stopping at stop signs, holding the door open for the next person, and so forth.

These people try their hardest each day to live responsibly. These people pick themselves up when they’re down and aren’t turning to someone else every minute for help.

They’re responsible. They’re independent. But they don’t speak up enough when they see something stupid happening in their town, because they just don’t have the time.

They might be tired from actually working for a living. Or they just may not want to be a labelled a political agitator or activist.

But if we allow this crap to happen, it’s going to happen.

And I’m not making a stretch here when I say that public education is a big part of this problem. Sometimes our school superintendents view the parents as the enemy. They see the parents as the problem.

Parents spent the last generation over-coddling and over-caring for their kids. Even if their intention is that they want their children to have a better life than theirs, what they’ve done is going to have the opposite effect.

What they’ve done is created a generation that’s not going to have a better life than them because they don’t know how to work as hard, they don’t know how to cope and they don’t know how to survive.

Don’t blame the kids. Blame yourself.

We’ve done it to ourselves, and a lot of it has been through our education. A lot of it, unfortunately, has also been through parenting by not telling your kids that freedom is a good thing, that not every country is free, that working hard is a good thing, and that you can’t rely on the government for everything you desire.

We need to teach them: You’re going to fail, so learn to pick yourself up. Learn that it’s OK to fail.

Learn that your life will go on if you get a C-plus on your exam. College campuses are full of students suffering from emotional stress who are unable to cope with life.

They can’t cope because they’ve been raised not to cope.

We did this to ourselves.