New Hampshire has always stood as a beacon of individual liberty, small government, and personal responsibility. It’s a state where hard work, common sense, and the belief in personal freedom guide our way of life. But as we look to the future, these core values are being challenged by those who believe in bigger government, higher taxes, and more control over our daily lives. That is why House Republicans are introducing a Contract with New Hampshire—a set of guiding principles designed to protect our values, keep our government accountable, and ensure a prosperous future for all Granite Staters.

This contract outlines 10 critical areas where we must focus our efforts: expanding housing and lowering property taxes, cutting taxes and wasteful spending, growing jobs and the economy, empowering parents in education, lowering energy prices, decreasing childcare costs, reducing healthcare prices, supporting law enforcement, protecting common-sense abortion laws, and keeping New Hampshire from becoming a sanctuary state. Each of these areas touches the lives of every New Hampshire resident and, if addressed properly, can secure our state’s place as a leader in liberty, opportunity, and security.

Expand Housing and Lower Property Taxes

New Hampshire is facing a housing crisis. Too many families are struggling to find affordable homes, and property taxes continue to rise, pushing homeownership out of reach for too many. Our solution is simple: expand housing supply and lower property taxes. By encouraging responsible development and reducing burdensome regulations on housing construction, we can create more affordable options for Granite Staters without sacrificing the character of our communities. At the same time, we must relieve the property tax burden by ensuring state funding is used more effectively, reducing the need to raise local taxes. Lowering property taxes gives immediate relief to homeowners and helps keep our communities thriving.

Lower Taxes and Spending

The state of New Hampshire must lead by example when it comes to fiscal responsibility. Our government must live within its means, just as families across our state do every day. The solution to every problem is not to raise taxes and throw more money at inefficient programs. That is the recipe for wasteful spending, bloated bureaucracies, and overburdened taxpayers. By cutting taxes and reducing unnecessary government spending, we will allow individuals and businesses to keep more of their hard-earned money and direct it toward productive uses that drive economic growth and prosperity. We must prioritize essential services while eliminating waste and fraud, ensuring that every dollar spent by the government delivers real value.

Grow Jobs and the Economy

New Hampshire’s economy thrives when businesses are free to innovate, grow, and create jobs without the heavy hand of government holding them back. To grow jobs and our economy, we must support small businesses—the backbone of our state’s economy. That means cutting red tape, lowering taxes, and investing in job training programs that equip workers with the skills they need to succeed in today’s economy. We must also focus on fostering a business-friendly environment that attracts investment and creates good-paying jobs for all Granite Staters.

Empower Parents in Education

Parents know what’s best for their children, not bureaucrats or politicians. That’s why we must empower parents by expanding school choice and giving families more options for their children’s education. Whether it’s public schools, charter schools, private schools, or homeschooling, parents deserve the freedom to choose the best learning environment for their kids. By supporting school choice, we will not only improve educational outcomes but also promote competition and innovation within our education system, ensuring that every child in New Hampshire has access to a quality education.

Lower Energy Prices

Energy costs are a significant burden on New Hampshire families and businesses, and reducing those costs must be a priority. By promoting an all-of-the-above energy strategy—one that includes renewable resources alongside traditional energy sources—we can lower prices and ensure a stable, reliable energy supply. At the same time, we must streamline regulations that slow down the development of energy infrastructure, which unnecessarily drives up costs. Lowering energy prices puts more money back into the pockets of Granite Staters and makes our businesses more competitive.

Decrease Childcare Costs

Childcare has become prohibitively expensive for many families in New Hampshire. We must address this crisis by expanding access to affordable, high-quality childcare. This can be done through targeted tax credits for working families, incentives for childcare providers, and reforms that lower costs across the board. No parent should have to choose between working and providing their children with proper care, and it’s time we ensure affordable childcare is accessible to all.

Reduce Healthcare Prices

Healthcare costs are out of control, and Granite Staters are paying the price. We must take immediate action to reduce healthcare prices by increasing competition, providing greater transparency in healthcare pricing, and empowering consumers to make informed decisions about their care. New Hampshire’s healthcare system should reward innovation and efficiency, not protect the interests of entrenched providers and insurers. By promoting competition and consumer choice, we can drive down costs while maintaining high-quality care for all.

Support Our Police and Finish Bail Reform

Public safety is paramount, and our law enforcement officers deserve our full support. We must ensure that police have the resources and training necessary to keep our communities safe. At the same time, we need to complete the job on bail reform. While we must ensure fairness in the justice system, we cannot allow dangerous offenders to be released back into our communities without regard for public safety. It’s time to balance compassion with accountability in our justice system.

Protect Common-Sense Abortion Laws

New Hampshire has long stood for common sense and moderation in its abortion laws. We believe in balancing personal freedom with reasonable limits, and our current laws reflect that balance. We will protect our abortion laws from federal overreach and ensure that New Hampshire retains the right to make its own decisions on this critical issue. We will continue to protect women’s health while upholding our state’s values.

Keep New Hampshire from Becoming a Sanctuary State

New Hampshire cannot become a sanctuary state. We must enforce our immigration laws and ensure cooperation between local and federal law enforcement. Sanctuary policies undermine the rule of law and compromise public safety. We believe in legal immigration, but we cannot allow our state to become a haven for illegal activity. Our focus must be on protecting New Hampshire residents and maintaining the integrity of our legal system.

Our Contract with New Hampshire represents a commitment to preserving our state’s values while addressing the challenges we face today. It’s a promise to protect personal freedom, promote fiscal responsibility, and ensure a prosperous future for every Granite Stater. Together, we can build a stronger, safer, and more prosperous New Hampshire for generations to come.