The headline says it all: ‘Massachusetts kills plan to prioritize homeless veterans over migrants.’

Massachusetts legislature kills plans to prioritize homeless veterans — homeless veterans who served this country– over migrants. That’s how screwed up the priorities are in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts.

All but two Massachusetts House Democrats voted against an amendment to provide statewide shelter must give priority to U.S. military veterans over migrants. All 25 House Republicans voted for it, but just two Democrats came across the aisle. And 129 Democrats voted against it.

They’re so upside down in Massachusetts, they can’t make a basic decision. Even if you want to care for the illegal aliens, with housing and benefits and all the state provides — they had to pass almost one billion dollars in their most recent budget to pay for support for the undocumented in their state. Even if you support that spending, you can’t place a priority on veterans and housing?

In other words, Massachusetts, you can’t commit that they’re not going to kick any veteran out of housing who has served this country. If it’s any kind of housing where there’s public, taxpayer support, you can’t just say that you’re going to keep veterans in place? As opposed to displacing the veteran for someone who just came into this country and has done nothing for the United States of America?

You can’t make that decision because you’re so twisted in your head.

It’s not even a bleeding heart issue. I understand: You’re so concerned — in fact you’re fixated — on people who are coming to this country seeking asylum. But you can’t care about the less than one percent of Americans who serve in our military, in a nation of 330 million people? You can’t prioritize these people? Are you kidding me?

I wonder if that same vote we’re here in New Hampshire, what the result would be? I know the Republicans would vote against. And I really believe some Democrats would surely say “No, veterans must come first.” But I wonder how many others wouldn’t?

I’m from Massachusetts, but I had the good sense to leave decades ago. If I lived there today, I’d be so ashamed when I read that story. And I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be a veteran in Massachusetts and seeing that.

Wow. You’re going to kick a 78-year-old Vietnam veteran out of a housing situation in Massachusetts for someone who just came into this country illegally?

There are a lot of differences between our two states (our ‘Live Free or Die’ motto, which kicks the butt of ‘The Spirit of America’), and a major difference is our respect and appreciation for our veterans. We’re always striving to do a better job to take care of them, because we get it here.

And I believe a lot of people in Massachusetts get it, too.

The problem is, they also get what they vote for.

Ask yourself, Massachusetts: How is that working out for you?