Gov. Christopher Sununu has made it his mission to slam former President Donald Trump.
For example, he recently wrote a Washington Post editorial titled “I’m not running for president in 2024. Beating Trump is more important.” Sununu wrote that he believes by not running for president, he will “have more credibility speaking out against Trump as a non-candidate to help move the conversation toward the future I believe the Republican Party should embrace.”
In his role as governor of New Hampshire, Sununu is certain that he can “be more effective for the Republican Party in ways few other leaders can.”
In his attacks, Sununu displayed characteristics of both cowardice and insecurity. If Sununu is so confident in his sway over Republican voters and his ability to defeat Trump in the GOP primaries, he should have run against Trump. Rather, Sununu plans to “endorse, campaign, and support the candidate I believe has the best chance of winning in November 2024.”
In other words, instead of climbing into the front seat and driving himself, Sununu prefers to be a backseat driver and give directions without taking responsibility. All because he’s too cowardly to take the wheel.
Sununu critiqued Trump stating, “he did not deliver on his promises to drain the swamp, secure the border and instill fiscal responsibility while in office — and added $8 trillion to our national debt — yet now he wants four more years.” However, Sununu neglected to highlight Trump’s achievements, especially those that would benefit New Hampshire if Sununu were to execute them.
During the Trump administration, the United States achieved energy independence and became a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years. New Hampshire’s energy costs rank second-highest in the United States under the leadership of Sununu. Granite Staters are preparing to turn out the lights and light candles because of the financial burden of energy costs.
The Trump administration implemented stringent policies to address illegal immigration, significantly reducing illegal border crossings. Illegal New Hampshire, northern border crossings, are increasing rapidly, and illegals are flowing into New Hampshire like the Connecticut River.
Sununu won’t defend his border as best he can, like fellow Texas Gov. Greg Abbot (R), who is busing illegal immigrants to neighboring liberal New England states like Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Instead, Sununu chooses to beg and grovel before Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, who has repeatedly shown his utter disregard for and incompetence on matters regarding border security.
Sununu boasts about his clout in the Republican Party, suggesting he can help determine who wins the GOP presidential primary. He should remember, “Charity starts at home.”
In 2022, the New Hampshire Republican Party suffered defeats in two congressional and one senatorial race. Sununu has a Republican majority in both the state House and Senate, but he’s unable to lead them in resolving New Hampshire’s energy crisis and many other difficulties that Granite Staters face.
Sununu’s influence inside the Republican Party is theoretical rather than actual. Sununu is very insecure about his leadership abilities, especially in comparison to Donald Trump, who is a proven leader in both the private and public sectors.
In addition to Sununu’s sentiments of fear and cowardice, the underlying reason for his loathing of Trump is that he is an establishment RINO who, like other globalist GOP politicians, does not want the Republican Party and the nation to be in the hands of the American people. In 2024, both the Republican primary and general election in New Hampshire will be decisively won by former President Donald Trump.