Joe Biden likes to play the role of a moderate but like the rest of his party, Biden’s views belong to the radical left.
Evidencing this shift is Biden’s newly released climate agenda. Teaming up with radical socialists Bernie Sanders, John Kerry and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who are doing everything they can to pass a Green New Deal, Biden’s plan would bankrupt New Hampshire and put our livelihoods and families in danger.
As part of their Green New Deal, they are pushing for a complete ban on all fossil fuels in the near future. For Granite State families this measure alone is detrimental — 43 percent of New Hampshire homes rely on fuel oil for home heating. Additionally, another 21 percent rely on natural gas, and 17 percent use other forms of gas for home heating and cook stoves.
Nationally, the Green New Deal would be absolutely devastating to our economy. Biden’s promise to eliminate fossil fuels would decimate at least 3.4 million jobs in our oil and gas industry across the country.
Here in New Hampshire, the oil and gas industry contributes $2.3 billion to our local economy and protects nearly 25,000 jobs annually. If Biden and Bernie get their way, these jobs will disappear.
Biden and Kerry are in lockstep with Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders and the unhinged left of the Democrat Party. Millions of good-paying American energy jobs will be destroyed to make way for the Green New Deal through Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders’ unity platform.
Additionally, perhaps Biden should have spent more time in New Hampshire for the primary this past winter.
His plan outlines that “within five years, we will install 500 million solar panels, including eight million solar roofs and community solar energy systems.” In the Northeast, where our roofs and land see snow coverage eight months of the year this seems beyond impractical.
Even the AFL-CIO, a typical ally of far-left policy proposals, has blasted the Green New Deal arguing that it is a “[threat] to our members’ jobs and their families’ standard of living.” This especially rings true in New Hampshire where unions represent more than 1 in 10 workers.
Biden has been this radical for a long time.
In a Democrat debate last year, he admitted that he was willing to sacrifice “thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers in the interest of transitioning” to a greener economy.
He is clearly not concerned that his radical embrace of socialist policy leaves our rural workers and communities behind, but this is unsurprising when you consider that his first bid for the presidency was over 30 years ago and he served as a senator for nearly a decade before that. Biden has simply lost his connection to American workers.
Biden isn’t only coming after your job, he’s committed to ensuring that the taxpayers foot the bill for this radical proposal.
In New Hampshire, the Green New Deal would average nearly $75,000 in costs per household within the first year of being implemented. To put that in perspective, the median household income in New Hampshire is only $74,000.
We know the negative impact the Green New Deal would have on New Hampshire. The price tag is more than 1,000 times the Granite State’s GDP, one out of every ten New Hampshire workers belongs to a union, making the AFL-CIO’s claim of the Green New Deal being a “job killer” even more pressing for our livelihoods.
Not only would the Green New Deal cost more than $625,000 per household over 10 years in New Hampshire, but it would take their jobs in the process, with ‘going green’ only putting Granite Staters in the red.