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September 7, 2024


$38 Million YDC Verdict Could Cost Taxpayers Far More

Taxpayers could be on the hook for more than the $38 million verdict to David Meehan in the Sununu Youth…

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LOMBORG: The World’s No. 1 Killer — Heart Disease

The world’s biggest killer is one that seldom creates headlines. The public conversation focuses far more on disasters like airplane…
by Bjorn Lomborg | July 29, 2024 Read More

$38 Million YDC Verdict Could Cost Taxpayers Far More

Taxpayers could be on the hook for more than the $38 million verdict to David Meehan in the Sununu Youth…
by Damien Fisher | May 23, 2024 Read More

HARGAN: New Hampshire Must Stand Up for Local Control of Healthcare

New Hampshire is respected nationally as a successful model of local control and citizen-led government. However, this culture of civic…
by Eric Hargan | July 04, 2023 Read More

Public Health Pros Offer ‘One Weird Trick’ to Make U.S. Healthier

Call it the “one weird trick” for America’s health care. A panel of public health experts gathered in Washington, D.C.,…
by Jessica R. Towhey | May 21, 2023 Read More

BIRX: We Have Solutions for Rural Healthcare

Since 2008, the gap between rural and urban American mortality has been increasing. We now are at the point that…
by Dr. Deborah Birx | March 22, 2023 Read More


KALAVRITINOS: Biden’s SOTU Shows How Far Democrats Are Willing To Socialize Medicine

President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address was his opportunity to promote his “successes” and lay out his roadmap.…
by Jack Kalavritinos | February 08, 2023 Read More

LO: Wokeness Compromises the Quality of Medicine

The American Medical Association and the American Association of Medical Colleges have recently made it their mission to turn medicine…
by Emmie Lo | January 31, 2023 Read More